4th July Fireworks
I only saw some fireworks on TV this year. Then again, if you've seen one firework, you've seen them all. Except, of course, if they are caused by crashing a washing machine sized impactor into a comet at 22000 miles an hour.

Pretty impressive stuff. My prediction didn't come true though. Since all this happened 83 million miles away, the odds of anything bad happening to earth was pretty small. The only words I wasn't hoping hear were:
NASA: "How were we to know there was a 1 billion year old galactic destroyer hibernating beneath the ice, hell-bent on blowing up the earth?"
Didn't happen this time, but the pictures are damn good.

Pretty impressive stuff. My prediction didn't come true though. Since all this happened 83 million miles away, the odds of anything bad happening to earth was pretty small. The only words I wasn't hoping hear were:
NASA: "How were we to know there was a 1 billion year old galactic destroyer hibernating beneath the ice, hell-bent on blowing up the earth?"
Didn't happen this time, but the pictures are damn good.
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