DVCQoG: Final Challenge - Newsflash
Dan Dascalescu has posted a video of solving the final challenge in about 5 mins. This really does prove that ~ 5 mins is the hard limit of physically completing the game in any way.
Rumor has it that Google are going to bring the top 10 people to a physical location and have them play some new puzzles under scrutiny. The winner will get to pay the taxes, the 9 runners up will be offered jobs. Especially if they originally hacked the code.
Tags: da vinci code, quest, google,final,challenge,solution
Lots of links from the official blog
Rumor has it that Google are going to bring the top 10 people to a physical location and have them play some new puzzles under scrutiny. The winner will get to pay the taxes, the 9 runners up will be offered jobs. Especially if they originally hacked the code.
Tags: da vinci code, quest, google,final,challenge,solution
Lots of links from the official blog
LOL I said that (re: Google hiring the hackers)to my husband as I chose NOT to participate because I am a 44 yr old female who thinks a macro is a juiced up oven....
They played fast and loose with the rules when it suited them but I don't see how they can insist on a playoff now and get away with it. It's over. I'd scream bloody murder if I won and they wanted to make me win again. It's their own fault it was so screwed up. Remember to blame Sony and not Google for most of the problems.
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